elections will be opening for voting on March 6th.
Kate Harney, MA, ATC

Kate Harney, MA, ATC hates khakis. There are much better fabrics out there that don’t stain when you get blood on them and she would rather choose one of those to wear. Also, she believes that khakis and snow don’t go together. Her snow pants go much further with meeting her needs. And they have pockets.
Kate and her comfy pants can be found at NVU-Johnson as the Head Athletic Trainer for ten months out of the year. The other two, she can be found at UVM’s Virtue Field with Vermont Green, the USL league 2 soccer club. She has held positions in the state as an AT at Stowe High School and Norwich University. She also taught in Norwich’s undergraduate AT, Health Science, Physical Education and Exercise Science programs.
Right now, she really, really needs an Assistant Athletic Trainer at NVU-Johnson (our VTSU system is short 5 ATs). It’s not just full time positions that are hard to fill, it’s trying to find coverage that’s a nightmare. Kate does not think it’s just a problem for her either, she thinks it exists everywhere in the state. The VAAT needs to find a way to help recruit students into our Norwich and Castleton AT programs, and we need to figure out how to bring certifieds into our state. Vermont ATs face the same problems that other states are facing, including low salaries, availability of full time jobs and work life balance. These are issues Kate wants to be a part of solving for the good of this community in her stretchy, non-khaki pants.
Alison O’Connor Sutherland, MS, ATC, LAT

Dear VAAT Membership:
It is an honor to accept the nomination for VAAT President-Elect. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a native Vermonter, born and raised in Burlington, and proud graduate of UVM’s AT program in 2010. I earned an MS in Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut in 2016, and completed a post-professional residency at The Steadman Clinic in 2017. I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors who modeled the value of giving back to the profession and emphasized how important it is to take an active role in our collective progress. It is this example, coupled with my natural affinity for leadership, that make me excited to pursue this opportunity.
I worked in the secondary school, NCAA Division I, and physician practice settings for 12 years. I am currently working full-time in orthopedic surgical sales, and pick up per diem work for local schools as much as I can. I previously served as Secretary of the NHATA while working at Dartmouth College. My transition out of both traditional settings as well as the NHATA was sparked by the birth of my son. When Jack was born, I had to choose between being present for my family and continuing in a profession I love deeply. I’m sure this is a struggle every single one of you has felt in some way and is one of my motivations for running for this position.
The athletic trainers in Vermont have an exemplary history of advocating for our profession. Between a very appropriate practice act, third party insurance reimbursement, and legislation to protect our student athletes, we are in a great place compared to many other states. As President-Elect, I will actively seek out opportunities to hear from VAAT members and other key stakeholders in Vermont as well as our colleagues in District 1 and beyond to ensure all voices are being heard, that we are working thoughtfully towards logical progress to attract, develop, and retain phenomenal athletic trainers in our state, and continue the strong tradition of advocacy and progress that has been so pivotal to our success as a profession.
Edward Wozniakewicz, MS, LAT, ATC

I am writing to express my interest in continuing to serve the members of the Vermont Association of Athletic Trainers as Secretary. Over the past 2 years, I have enjoyed speaking with members from all over the state and sharing the ideas I have heard to further improve our profession in the state. I would like to continue to have these conversations and share ideas with the rest of the VAAT leadership as we continue to work with National and District leadership to serve our state membership to the best of our abilities. Thank you to everyone for your past support and I hope to be able to remain secretary to be able to work with all of you in our membership. Thank you for all your time.
Kit Vreeland, EdD, MBA, ATC

I am proud to have served the Vermont Athletic Trainers Association and membership as Treasurer for the past 4 years, and am seeking your support to continue in this position of service for another term. As required of the Treasurer, I diligently ensured maintenance and organization of the finances, and worked with the Executive Committee to advocate for the profession, as well as the interests of athletic trainers in Vermont. These past years have brought significant challenges to the profession both nationally and within our state. I have been affected first-hand as the University of Vermont AT program, my primarily teaching responsibility, was deactivated. I spread thin my time helping provide services to a local high school that has been unable to secure a more sustainable AT. Vermont is in a considerably precarious position for ensuring that schools and organizations have access to an athletic trainer to provide appropriate medical care. I anticipate the next four years to be critical for the viability and growth of athletic trainers and the profession. I appreciate your support of me to help in this fight from the front lines.